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【半导体】美国加强对光刻、蚀刻和 HBM 存储器的出口管制

作者:人工智能产业链联盟 2024/12/04 20:32


美国商务部的规定包括对 24 种半导体制造设备和 3 种用于开发或生产半导体的软件工具实施新的出口管制,以及对高带宽存储器(HBM)实施新的管制。


美国还将 140 个实体列入从掌握关键技术的小公司购买技术的组织名单。

新的管制措施将于今年年底生效,管制对象为生产先进节点集成电路所需的半导体制造设备,包括某些蚀刻、沉积、光刻、离子注入、退火、计量和检测以及清洁工具。这包括用于硅通孔 (TSV) 的设备以及除钼和钌之外的低电阻 2D 材料设备,这些材料正计划用于 2nm 以下芯片工艺技术。


HBM 管制适用于美国制造的存储设备(由 Micro Technology 制造),以及根据先进计算外国直接产品 (FDP) 规则受出口限制的外国生产的 HBM。根据新的许可例外,某些 HBM 将有资格获得授权。

BIS 正在实施多项监管措施,包括但不限于:

一、对生产先进节点集成电路所需的半导体制造设备实施新控制,包括某些蚀刻、沉积、光刻、离子注入、退火、计量和检查以及清洁工具。(New controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment needed to produce advanced-node integrated circuits, including certain etch, deposition, lithography, ion implantation, annealing, metrology and inspection, and cleaning tools)

按照美国规定,如果逻辑芯片使用非平面晶体管架构,后者使用14/16nm或者更小的工艺,当 DRAM 集成电路的存储单元面积小于 0.0019 平方微米 (µm2) 或存储密度大于每平方毫米 0.288 千兆位时,当NAND超过128层,该集成电路符合“先进节点集成电路(先进节点 IC)”的定义。

二、对开发或生产先进节点集成电路的软件工具实施新控制,包括某些可提高先进机器生产率或允许较不先进的机器生产先进芯片的软件。(New controls on software tools for developing or producing advanced-node integrated circuits, including certain software that increases the productivity of advanced machines or allows less-advanced machines to produce advanced chips.)

三、对高带宽内存 (HBM) 实施新控制。HBM 对大规模 AI 训练和推理都至关重要,是先进计算集成电路 (IC) 的关键组件。新控制适用于美国原产的 HBM 以及根据先进计算外国直接产品 (FDP) 规则受 EAR 约束的外国生产的 HBM。根据新的 HBM 许可例外,某些 HBM 将有资格获得授权。(New controls on high-bandwidth memory (HBM). HBM is critical to both AI training and inference at scale and is a key component of advanced computing integrated circuits(ICs). The new controls apply to U.S.-origin HBM as well as foreign-produced HBM subject to the EAR under the advanced computing Foreign Direct Product (FDP) rule.Certain HBM will be eligible for authorization under new License Exception HBM.)

在HBM方面,根据新的 3A090.c,本 IFR 将管制“内存带宽密度”大于每平方毫米 (mm) 每秒 2 GB 的 HBM。当前生产的所有 HBM 堆栈都超过了此阈值。(Under new 3A090.c, this IFR will control HBM having a ‘memory bandwidth density’ greater than 2 GB per second per square millimeter (mm). All HBM stacks currently inproduction exceed this threshold.)

四、实体名单新增 140 家实体,并作出 14 项修改,包括半导体工厂、工具公司和投资公司。(Addition of 140 entities to the Entity List, in addition to 14 modifications, including semiconductor fabs, tool companies, and investment companies that are acting at the behest of Beijing to further the PRC’s advanced chip goals which pose a risk to U.S. and allied national security.)

五、制定两项新的外国直接产品 (FDP) 规则和相应的最低限度规定:(Establishment of two new Foreign Direct Product (FDP) rules and corresponding de minimis provisions:)

1、半导体制造设备 (SME) FDP:如果“知悉”外国生产的商品运往澳门或 D:5 国家组(包括中国)的目的地,则扩大对特定外国生产的 SME 和相关物品的管辖权。(Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment (SME) FDP: Extends jurisdiction over specified foreign-produced SME and related items if there is “knowledge” that the foreign-produced commodity is destined to Macau or a destination in Country Group D:5, including the PRC.)

2、脚注 5 (FN5) FDP:如果“知悉”实体名单上的或被列入 FN5 指定实体名单的实体参与某些活动,则扩大对特定外国生产的 SME 和相关物品的管辖权。此类实体被列入实体名单,是因为实体名单配套规则中所述的特定国家安全或外交政策问题。(Footnote 5 (FN5) FDP: Extends jurisdiction over specified foreign-produced SME and related items if there is “knowledge” of certain involvement by an entity on or added to the Entity List with a FN5 designation. Such entities are being designated on the Entity List for specific national security or foreign policy concerns described in the Entity List companion rule, such as these entities’ involvement in supporting the PRC’s military modernization through the PRC’s attempts to produce advanced-node semiconductors, including for military end uses.)

3、最低限度:扩大对上述 FDP 规则中所述的特定外国生产的 SME 和相关项目的管辖范围,这些项目包含任何数量的美国原产集成电路。(De minimis: Extends jurisdiction over specified foreign-produced SME and related items described in the above FDP rules that contain any amount of U.S.-origin integrated circuits.)

六、新的软件和技术控制,包括对电子计算机辅助设计 (ECAD) 和技术计算机辅助设计 (TCAD) 软件和技术的限制,当“知道”这些项目将用于设计将在澳门或国家组 D:5 的目的地生产的先进节点集成电路时。(New software and technology controls, including restrictions on Electronic Computer Aided Design (ECAD) and Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) software and technology when there is “knowledge” that such items will be used for the design of advanced-node integrated circuits to be produced in Macau or a destination in Country Group D:5.)

七、向 EAR 澄清有关软件密钥的现有控制。出口管制现在适用于允许访问特定硬件或软件的使用或续订现有软件和硬件使用许可证的软件密钥的出口、再出口或转让(国内)。(Clarification to the EAR regarding existing controls on software keys. Export controls now apply to the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of software keys that allow access to the use of specific hardware or software or renewal of existing software and hardware use licenses.) 
